Car Trackers without Monthly Fees or Subscriptions
At GPSBob, we understand that ongoing subscription fees can be a financial burden. That’s why we offer a selection of high-quality car trackers without the need for a monthly subscription.
Our car trackers and dashcams come packed with enough data to last up to five years, all inclusive in the initial cost. You won’t have to worry about recurring payments, contracts, or hidden costs. Your one upfront payment provides years of reliable tracking and peace of mind.
Whether you’re managing a fleet of vehicles or simply looking to enhance the security of your personal car, these trackers offer you the ability to monitor your vehicle’s location in real-time without the financial stress of a subscription.
What’s more, our no-subscription trackers come with free access to our Home Plan tracking software and app, making it easier than ever to stay connected to your vehicle. The software can also be upgraded to our Professional or Enterprise plans for a small annual fee, granting access to premium features such as geofencing and instant alerts.
With GPSBob, a secure and worry-free future for your vehicle is just a single payment away. Discover the benefits of our no-subscription car trackers today.